3 Lessons for Junior Data Engineers

3 Lessons for Junior Data Engineers

It’s been a few years since I began my Data Engineering journey. There have been a lot of ups and downs along the way.

Here are 3 things I wish I’d known from day one:

1 — Leverage your strengths to gain an edge

We are all different, and we all have our own strengths and unique abilities. Nobody enters Data Engineering through the same door — in my case, I came in as a Database Administrator. Knowing where to focus your energy and time is one of the key skills to succeeding in this field. Find ways to address areas where you may need improvement. You may feel overwhelmed, but you already have some slick skills — make use of them.

2 — Master the basics first

A house needs solid foundations, and so do you. Instead of running off and diving headfirst into the latest new technology that’s been cooked up to make Data Engineering ‘easier’, focus your energy on the 20% that will give you 80% of the results. Master the basics first, and then confidently progress to advanced topics. For Data Engineering, this means focusing on SQL, Python, problem-solving, and communication skills. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know. Learn and improve.”

3 — Tons of valuable free resources

I have yet to find a structured Data Engineering course that’s worth its price tag. The internet is full of valuable resources, and there are people dedicated to educating and helping others, and guess what — their resources are free. So, before committing to paying for expensive courses, it’s worth doing your research. Check out LinkedIn, YouTube, and your favourite search engine.

Trust in hard work, perseverance, and determination.

I hope this helps someone who’s starting out on their journey.

Thanks for reading! If you want to get in touch with me, feel free to find me on LinkedIn.