
Welcome to the Art of Data Engineering.

Yup, working with data is an art. I feel like I learned that the hard way.

That’s partly the reason why I started this project.

To me, data is more than just a collection of information that businesses use; it’s a story and an adventure. There are highs and lows, ups and downs, and everything in between.

I’m not a “rock star” data engineer, nor do I want to be. I’ve seen and done a lot in my career, and I have some stories to tell and some insights to share.

Becoming a data engineer has been a rewarding experience for many reasons.

I love that it pushes you to self-educate. I love that you get to automate things. I love that it’s never boring.

I have a genuine passion for this job and all the things that come along with it.

On this site, I share my thoughts about life working with data and my honest perspective as a data engineer. I love writing about the human aspect of the job (no one seems to do that?). I try my best to give a genuine take on life in the trenches.

If I find something useful, I write it up and post it here for my own reference and for others to benefit from. Simple as that!

This site is a work in progress. Ultimately, it’s intended for all to use. If you have something you’d like to contribute, you can connect with me on LinkedIn, drop me a message, and I will post it on the accompanying Medium publication for this site.

If you find anything here that I’ve written useful, let me know. I love connecting with people from all over the globe.


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