I asked ChatGPT what Data Engineers do. Here’s what it said.

I asked ChatGPT what Data Engineers do. Here’s what it said.

My problem with ChatGPT is it never says “Perhaps”, “I think”, “I could be wrong” or “Maybe”. It speaks with the same level of absolute confidence whether it’s right or wrong. It just confidently presents it’s answers with a level of surety and authority leaving it up to you to weed out the garbage.

AI isn’t going away that’s for sure ChatGPT is still in it infancy what will this thing be like in 5 or 10 years? AI has it’s place don’t get me wrong, but right now don’t put too much value in it’s answers.

Now over to ChatGPT…

Data engineers play a crucial role in the data pipeline by building and maintaining the infrastructure for collecting, storing, and processing large amounts of data. They are responsible for ensuring that data is secure, accessible, and usable for data scientists and business analysts. Here’s a closer look at what data engineers do and what tools they use to do it.

What Data Engineers Do:

  1. Design and build scalable data storage solutions: Data engineers design and build data storage systems, such as databases and data warehouses, to store large amounts of structured and unstructured data.
  2. Collect and process raw data: They create automated processes to collect, clean, and transform raw data into a usable format.
  3. Monitor and maintain data pipelines: Data engineers monitor data pipelines to ensure they are working as intended and make any necessary modifications to keep the pipeline running smoothly.
  4. Secure and protect data: They implement security measures, such as encryption and access controls, to protect sensitive data from unauthorized access.
  5. Collaborate with data scientists: Data engineers work closely with data scientists to understand their data needs and help them access the data they need for analysis.

What Tools Data Engineers Use:

  1. Apache Hadoop: A open-source framework for processing large data sets, Hadoop is widely used by data engineers for data processing and storage.
  2. Apache Spark: A fast and efficient data processing engine, Spark is often used in conjunction with Hadoop to process large amounts of data quickly.
  3. Apache Hive: A data warehousing tool built on top of Hadoop, Hive provides data engineers with a way to manage and query large data sets.
  4. Apache Airflow: An open-source platform for programmatically authoring, scheduling, and monitoring workflows, Airflow is used by data engineers to manage data pipelines.
  5. SQL: A relational database language, SQL is widely used by data engineers for querying and managing data stored in databases and data warehouses.


In conclusion, data engineers play a critical role in ensuring that data is accessible, secure, and usable for data scientists and business analysts. With a combination of technical skills and an understanding of data management, data engineers use a range of tools to build and maintain the infrastructure needed to support the data pipeline.
