The Three Vs of Big Data: A Beginner’s Guide

The Three Vs of Big Data: A Beginner’s Guide

The three Vs of big data refer to the three characteristics that make managing and analysing large datasets particularly challenging. The three Vs are:


The sheer amount of data that needs to be processed and analysed. Big data sets are often too large to be stored and processed on a single computer, and may require distributed systems or cloud computing to handle the load.


The speed at which data is generated and needs to be processed. In some cases, data may need to be analysed in real-time as it is generated, requiring fast processing and analysis.


The wide range of data types and formats that may be present in a big data set. This can include structured data (such as databases or spreadsheets), unstructured data (such as text, audio, or video), and semi-structured data (such as log files or social media posts).

These characteristics make big data challenging to work with, as it requires specialised tools and techniques to store, process, and analyse the data efficiently. That is where the Data Engineer comes in.